Zijin Awarded Most Valuable Brands in Listed Companies
2017/12/05 4432

Recently, Zijin received the prize of ‘Most Valuable Brands among Listed Companies’ at China Securities Golden Bauhinia ceremony of the 7th Hong Kong International Finance Forum.

Winners of China Securities Golden Bauhinia Awards are outstanding and excellent corporations, assessed and examined, based on authoritative data, by Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group Limited, major management organizations, and securities institutions and famous economists. 

Receiving Most Valuable Brands prize reflects the recognition of Zijin’s development from market, especially the good performance in the fields of shareholders' returns, profitability, operating efficiency and corporate governance, and so on. 

Only 10 listed companies won the Most Valuable Brands prize. Another ten prizes as Most Valuable Investment, Most Potential Investment, and Best Business Leader were released on the ceremony.

Financial elites and Securities brokers from domestic and overseas, and senior executives of China’s major listed companies attended this award ceremony.