
We integrate governance with corporate management and control in a profound way, keeping our focus on key issues such as environment, ecology, water resources, labour, human rights, security, community, business ethics, anti-corruption, responsible supply chain and corporate governance throughout the entire process of mining development activities, to achieve a virtuous cycle with environmental, social and corporate benefits.

Chen Jinghe
Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. Chairman, Chief Officer of the Strategic and Sustainable Development (ESG) Committee
Culture and Value
Green, High-tech, Leading Global Mining Company
—— Providing the Materials that lmprove Standards of Living in a Low Carbon Future
  • Purpose
    Mining for a Better Society
  • Value
    Value Creation and Common Development
  • Organisational strength
  • Driving Force
  • Sustainability
  • Cohesion
  • Our Governance
    As a multinational listed company, it is vital that we operate ethically and comply with laws and regulations of the places in which we operate.Compliance is the bottom line in our business operations. We study the culture and values of our locations in depth, and are committed to being a listed company with compliance and integrity.
  • Our Climate Transition
    The mining industry is an important drive force for mankind to move towards a low-carbon and green future. We hope that, on the one hand, we can achieve our low-carbon transition by taking the initiative to reduce emissions and upgrade our technologies and on the other hand, we can supply sufficient low-carbon metal raw materials to contribute to the global low-carbon transition, and actively address the global challenges posed by climate change and assume our responsibilities.
  • Our Planet
    Zijin Mining believes that proactive approach can prevent negative impacts on the environment and even improve it. Therefore, we will minimise the exploitation of natural resources, reduce emissions and continue to restore vegetation to create a favourable world for life and our future generations.
  • Our People
    We practise the Peopleoriented development philosophy, and strive to attract and retain talents with different cultural and academic backgrounds. We are committed to creating a diverse, fair, inclusive and safe work environment with competitive remuneration and development pathways, aiming to become a company that our employees can be proud of.
  • Our Society
    Zijin Mining always adheres to the purpose of Mining for a Better Society and share our development fruits with all stakeholders. We aim to promote the economy of communities and build the responsible supply chain. We commit to driving industrial development and benefiting society and stakeholders with our presence.
Path of Sustainable Development
  • 2022
    • Published Zijin Mining Climate Change Action Plan
    • Committed to reaching carbon peak in 2029 and carbon neutrality in 2050
    • Established ESG Office at the headquarters
    • Developed the first hydrogen-fuelled power station in China
    • Established Zijin Mining Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials (Changsha) Co., Ltd. and Zijin Research Institute of Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials
    • Acquired Fujian Longking Co., Ltd.
  • 2021
    • Determined the Company’s short-term, medium-term, and long-term ESG development goals
    • Proposed the vision of becoming a "green, high-tech, leading global mining company"
    • Adopted the TCFD recommended framework for information disclosure
  • 2020
    • The Board of Directors comprehensively strengthened ESG management, established the “Strategic and Sustainable Development (ESG) Committee” , and established the ESG Management Committee at the operational level
    • Executive compensations are linked to ESG performance
    • Joined the World Gold Council with the commitment of the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs)
    • Participated in the launch of Alliance of Chinese Business in Africa for Social Responsibilities
  • 2018
    • MSCI included the Company’s A Shares in the emerging market index
    • Released the first ESG Report based on the original “Social Responsibility Report”
  • 2012
    • Invested RMB200 million to launch Zijin Mining Charity Foundation
  • 2010
    • Established a social responsibility work system benchmarking against ISO 26000
  • 2009
    • Established the Corporate Social Responsibility Department to promote the work of social responsibility
    • Released the first "Social Responsibility Report"
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not met
Our Positioning
Performance in 2022
Regular issuer with integrity
Percentage of female directors exceeds that of female employees
Ratio of female directors reaches 15.4%
Ratio of non-executive directors exceeds 50%
Ratio of non-executive directors accounts for 54%
No major human rights violations
No major human rights violations identified
A booster for climate transition
Carbon peaking in 2029, carbon neutrality in 2050
Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is 7.78 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tC02e)
By 2030, the proportion of renewable energy used will exceed 30%
Renewable energy will account for 17.39%
By 2025, GHG emission per unit of industrial added value will be reduced by 20% compared to 2020
Carbon emissions will be 1.55t CO2e/10,000 yuan of industrial added value, down 9.35% from the baseline year of 2021
Guardian of the Ecological Environment
With 2020 as the baseline year, all production and operation sites will have ISO14001:2015 certification by 2023
ISO14001 certification coverage reaches 97.5%
All mines will meet the green mine construction standards by 2030
13 national-level "Green Mines", 1 provincial-level "Green Mines"
All smelting and processing companies will meet the green factory construction standards by 2030
5 national-level “Green Factories", 5 provincial-level “Green Factories"
Water recycling rate is maintained at a level of not less than 90%
Water re-use rate reached 94.29%
Intensity of water use is reduced by 10% by 2030 compared to 2020
Water intensity by revenue was 269.00 tonnes / RMB million , a decrease of 9.13% compared to 2020
100% restoration of recoverable land
100% of the recoverable land has been restored, with a total area of vegetation restored of 12.75 million square metres throughout the year
All mines will have formulated and implemented Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) by 2030
19 mines have formulated and are implementing BAPs
By 2030, non-hazardous waste comprehensive utilisation rate will have increased by 5% compared with 2020
Non-hazardous waste comprehensive utilisation rate reached 14.71%, an increase of 13.9 % compared with 2020
By 2030, the emission intensity of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by revenue will be reduced by 5% compared with 2020
The emission intensity of sulphur dioxide by revenue was 0.46 tonne/RMB100 million, and that of nitrogen oxides by revenue was 0.297 tonne/RMB100 million , representing a reduction by 41% and by 34%, respectively compared with 2020
A big family trusted by employees
Zero fatality
1 employee and 2 contractors fatalities
Reduced number of accidents
Lost time injury rate per million hours worked (LTIR) was 0.29, and total recordable incident rate per million hours worked (TRIR) was 0.64
With 2020 as the baseline year, all production and operation sites will have ISO45001:2018 certification by 2023
ISO45001 certification coverage reaches 95%
100% safety training coverage for employees and contractors
Safety training coverage of 100% for employees and contractors
All employees have received at least 1 career development training
100% of employees have received professional development training
Practitioners of co-development
Community investment of no less than 1% of the Company’s fiscal-year net profit
Community investment reached RMB455 million, accounting for 1.52% of the Company’s fiscal year net profit
By 2023, the local procurement rate in the host countries will reach 70%
Localised procurement rate in the host country is 65.2%
Local employment rate remains above 95%
Local employment rate is 96.29%
ESG Governance

The Company has established a top-down ESG management structure led by the Board as well as an ESG management committee at the management level, with the President of the Company as its director. The members of the Committee include the president, vice presidents and other senior management who are highly professional and diverse and who are in charge of ESG topics such as safety, environmental protection, business ethics, community relations, supply chain, product quality, and labour relations. They effectively promote and implement the ESG strategic work formulated by the Board and its subordinate committees and improve ESG performance.


To further strengthen the effectiveness of ESG work, during the reporting period, the Company set up an ESG office in its headquarters, forming a network of overall ESG management with the ESG specialists of its subsidiaries. The professional departments of the headquarters and those of the subsidiaries have formed their own professional network of ESG management. Relying on the working group networks, we effectively delegate the ESG strategic goals and promptly deliver policy requirements to all levels, and have formed a dynamic and effective mechanism for risk prevention and communication that leads to great ESG practice.

ESG Performance and Remuneration

The Company places an emphasis on the principles that Remuneration is Commensurate with the Company's International Standing in the Industry; Performance and Shareholder Returns; Personal Responsibilities, Contributions and Performance; the Company's Market Value and Market Performance; and the Sustainable Development and ESG Indicators. This served as the basis for the remuneration and assessment plans for the directors, supervisors, and executives for the new term. Constituting not less than 20% in the assessment for the annual incentive salary, the ESG indicators cover the environment, safety, society, governance, ESG major events, ESG ratings and other key indicators setting and corresponding weights, and will be subject to floating assessment coefficients in the collective and individual evaluations.

Sustainability at independently operated joint ventures (JVs)

At JVs which are not under the actual operational control of Zijin Mining, we will cooperate with our JV partners to improve ESG governance and ESG risk management in order to achieving our long- and short-term targets.We participate in board shareholder committees that take key strategic decisions and we use this participation to influence the independent management teams to adopt appropriate operational and governance standards in accordance with Zijin Mining.

ESG Risks

We enhanced and optimised our comprehensive Risk Management policies and mechanisms in accordance with the COSO Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, defined our Risk Management objectives, integrated emerging stakeholders’ ESG concerns into the system, and further set out our key approaches, guidelines, processes and responsibilities for ESG Risk Management. 

ESG Risk Governance and Risk Culture
The Company has established a holistic risk governance structure with the Board of Directors as the highest governance body for risk management. The Risk Management Committee is responsible for reviewing the Company’s overall risk management objectives and risk management strategies and plans. The role of the Company’s Supervision and Audit Office is to organise risk management work, carry out corresponding assessment and evaluation and prepare relevant reports. The Company takes active measures to cultivate a risk culture, instils a correct risk philosophy and endeavours to integrate risk awareness into its core values, employee performance appraisal and daily behaviours.
Risk Strategy and Objective
With “comprehensive, focused, dynamic and ongoing” risk management, the Company continuously ensures high-quality and sustainable development of the Group through active risk management activities.
ESG Risk Performance
The Company has established a systematic risk management mechanism that encompasses internal and external environmental information collection - risk identification - risk assessment - risk ranking and response – response action report and continuous improvement based on its Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Operational Guidelines.
ESG Risk Review and Revision
The Company regularly summarises and analyses the effectiveness and reasonableness of its existing risk management strategies, with emphasis on evaluating whether the strategies implemented based on risk appetite, risk tolerance and risk control warning lines are effective; and continuously revise and improve the strategies based on the findings and the actual situation as needed.
ESG Risk Information, Communication and Reporting
The Company proactively collects information on the internal and external environment relevant to its business/management and regularly monitors changes to such information to build and regularly update its risk inventory. Following are the core ESG risks we are currently focusing on. The corresponding mitigation measures, key approaches and performances are also described in this report.
Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality

We respect the demands of our stakeholders,and based on the principles of integrity, interact ion , equality, and transparency, we continue to improve the stakeholder participation mechanism and the ways of communication, to understand their demands, so as to clarify the Company's ESG strategy and important ESG issues, enabling our stakeholders to effectively participate in the Company's ESG governance.

We followed international standards and guidelines related to stakeholder communication, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards 2021 and the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES), to record, measure and review our communications with stakeholders on a regular basis. We improve the communication mechanism in a timely manner based on the feedback from our stakeholders, thereby continuously improving the effectiveness and timeliness of our communication with our stakeholders.

Way of communication
Response and performance
Non-governmental Organisations : (NGOs), Media, and Research and Education Institutions
  • Responding to climate change
  • Business ethics
  • Openness and transparency
  • Water resources management
  • Human rights protection
  • Biodiversity
  • ESG reports
  • The Company's official website
  • Participated in COP15 side event of "Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in China's Mining Investment and Practice" to share the Company's biodiversity conservation practices
Surrounding Communities and Environment
  • Human rights protection
  • Community development
  • Climate change
  • Water resources management
  • Biodiversity
  • Emissions management
  • Community engagement
  • Mine open day
  • Environmental protection cooperation
  • Mining project kick-off meetings
  • Media interview
  • Our subsidiaries received 1,879 visits by our stakeholders to promote community meetings, community opening, government and media visits and other activities
Government and Regulatory Authorities
  • Compliance
  • Paying tax according to law
  • Economic development
  • Boosting employment
  • Stock exchange meetings
  • Government meetings
  • Information disclosure platform
  • Government visits
  • Local employment rate: 96.29%
  • Local procurement rate in the host countries: 65.2%
Business Partners
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS)
  • Business ethics
  • Openness and transparency
  • Contractor trainings
  • Suppliers' conferences
  • 1,547 new suppliers were screened using ESG criteria
Shareholders and Investors
  • Steady operation
  • Sustainable development
  • Good governance
  • Information transparency
  • Annual general meeting
  • Performance announcement conference
  • Information disclosure
  • Investors' communication platform
  • 2 general meetings of shareholders, 103 roadshows and online exchange sessions
  • 29 ESG-themed special exchange sessions with investors and shareholders
  • Human rights protection
  • Remuneration and benefits
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS)
  • Equal rights and development
  • Workers congress
  • Conference and training
  • Bulletin board, the Company's intranet
  • Employee satisfaction survey
  • More than 92% of employees understand the Company's vision and goals
  • More than 87% of employees agree with the Company's development
ESG Awards and Ratings
ESG Awards
  • Pioneering Organisation in ESG Disclosure Enhancement
  • Outstanding ESG Enterprise
  • ESG Leading Enterprise Award, Leading Social lnitiative Award
  • "Golden Responsibility Award" .Annual Sustainable Development Award, Best Social Responsibility Award
  • China's Listed Company Golden Bull Award
  • Jinlan Cup ESG Excellent Cas
  • Attractive Employer for Global Graduates
  • Forbes China Sustainable Development Industrial Enterprises Top 50
ESG Ratings