We integrate governance with corporate management closely, keeping our focus on critical issues such as the environment, ecology, water resources, labor, human rights, safety, community, business ethics, anti-corruption, responsible supply chain, and corporate governance throughout the mining development process to achieve a virtuous cycle with environmental, social, and corporate benefits.
The Company has established a top-down ESG management structure led by the Board and an ESG management committee at the management level, with the President of the Company as its director. The members of the Committee include the President, Vice Presidents, and other senior management who are highly professional and diverse and who are in charge of ESG topics such as safety, environmental protection, business ethics, community relations, supply chain, product quality, and labor relations. They effectively promote and implement the ESG strategic work formulated by the Board and its subordinate committees and improve ESG performance.
To further strengthen the effectiveness of ESG work, during the reporting period, the Company set up an ESG office at its headquarters, forming a network of overall ESG management with the ESG specialists of its subsidiaries. The professional departments of the headquarters and those of the subsidiaries have formed their professional network of ESG management. Relying on the working group networks, we effectively delegate the ESG strategic goals and promptly deliver policy requirements to all levels. We have also formed a dynamic and effective risk prevention and communication mechanism that leads to great ESG practice.
The Company adheres to the principle that remuneration should be commensurate with the company’s international standing in the industry, aligned with performance and shareholder returns, appropriate to individual responsibilities, contributions, and performance, linked to the company’s market value and market performance, and connected to sustainable development and ESG indicators. This forms the foundation for the remuneration and assessment plans for directors, supervisors, and executives in the new term. ESG indicators, constituting no less than 20% of the assessment for annual incentive salaries, include key metrics and corresponding weights for environmental, safety, social, governance, significant ESG events, and ESG ratings. These indicators are subject to variable assessment coefficients during collective and individual evaluations.
In joint ventures not under Zijin Mining’s operational control, we collaborate with our partners to enhance ESG governance, manage risks, and achieve objectives. We engage with these joint ventures through participation in their boards, committees, and shareholders’ meetings, contributing to the formulation of key ESG strategic decisions. This involvement allows us to influence the joint ventures’ management teams, ensuring that their operational and governance standards align with Zijin Mining’s sustainability principles.
We enhanced and optimized our comprehensive Risk Management policies and mechanisms following the COSO Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, defined our Risk Management objectives, integrated emerging stakeholders’ ESG concerns into the system, and further set out our key approaches, guidelines, processes, and responsibilities for ESG Risk Management.
Respecting stakeholders’ demands, we adhere to the principles of integrity, interaction, equality, and transparency. Constantly refining stakeholder participation mechanisms and communication methods allows us to better understand stakeholders’ expectations. This aids in defining the Company’s ESG strategy and material ESG issues, enabling stakeholders to participate effectively in the Company’s ESG governance.
During the reporting period, we, following stakeholder communication-related international standards and guidelines such as the GRI Standards 2021 version and AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES), regularly recorded, measured, and reviewed our communication with stakeholders. Based on stakeholder feedback, we promptly improved communication mechanisms and continually enhanced the efficacy and timeliness of our communication with all stakeholders.