Human Rights
Human Rights
Human Rights

Respect for human rights is the moral basis of our operations. We advocate for individual freedom and fair working conditions, and condemn any form of discrimination. We conduct our business on the basis of strict adherence to global human rights covenants, principles and frameworks against forced Labour in relation to our operational activities, and we share and adhere to our values globally.


We follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights(UNGP), UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Global Compact, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs), and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.


The Company’s Board is responsible for human rights risk management issues, while the ESG Management Committee’s role is to implement human rights risk management efforts. Currently, all subsidiaries have working bodies that are vertically led by the ESG Management Committee, to monitor compliance with human rights standards and to implement their respective human rights risk management efforts.

Targets and Progress
No major human rights violations
Progress in 2022
  • 82.6%
    Collective bargaining agreement coverage rate 82.6%
  • 97%
    1702 security personnel have received human rights training, with training coverage reaching 97% among security force
Our Approach

We integrate the spirit of respecting human rights into our corporate management standards. The Corporate Code of Conduct of Zijin Mining provides detailed explanations of the behavioral standards and fundamental principles we adopt in our business dealings with various stakeholders. It also serves as the core values we seek in selecting business partners. In it, we make a clear statement about respecting human rights and firmly oppose any violations of human rights. We prohibit the use of child labor and any form of forced or compulsory labor, and we respect and safeguard the legitimate rights of our employees. The Code applies not only to our direct subsidiaries, wholly-owned and controlled companies but also serves as an important criterion for our project investments and supplier selection.


Our Supplier Code of Conduct requires all suppliers to accept and commit to it in order to establish a business relationship with Zijin Mining. Any behavior that violates the Code will damage their business relationship with us and may even result in the termination of the cooperation. Our business partners must strictly prohibit the use of forced labor, all forms of modern slavery, and human trafficking, such as bonded labor or involuntary prison labor. We require that the employment relationship between business partners and their employees be based on voluntary principles and can be terminated by the employees themselves with reasonable notice.

Risk Management

In following the UNGPs and the Company’s human rights standards, we require all subsidiaries to progressively establish processes to identify and manage human rights risks and to integrate human rights assessments into their impact or risk assessments. We identified several human rights risks in the Company’s operations, with artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) being the main human rights challenge we are currently facing. We also pay close attention to human rights risks in the use of child labour, forced labour workplace harassment, and discrimination especially in high-risk areas.

Abolition of Child Labour

We require all current projects to strictly comply with the minimum working age requirements of the laws and regulations of the country (place) in which they are located or of ILO Convention No. 138, whichever is higher. We have a comprehensive hiring screening mechanism to avoid hiring child labour by mistake. In addition, we require contractors, suppliers and third party recruitment agencies to eradicate the use of child labour, analyse the risk of hiring child labour by mistake and take timely measures:

  • Stop working
    When a child labour who is hired by mistake is found, the Company shall stop the child from working, remove the child from workplace, and immediately report to the Company’s management representative and the Human Resources Department for support.
  • Health examination
    The Human Resources Department shall send the child to occupational health institutions to check if the health condition of the child is affected. If the health condition is affected, all of the corresponding living and medical expenses incurred shall be borne by the Company.
  • Wages and benefits
    When paying wages to the child who is hired by mistake, the amount must be calculated and paid strictly according to the legal provisions of the Company and the national/regional governments, as well as the Company’s policies, without any undue deductions.
  • Safe return
    The Company is obliged to contact the parents or guardians of the child who is hired by mistake and send the child to his/her place of residence safely. All transportation and accommodation costs for the return shall be borne by the Company.
  • Compulsory education
    The Company shall find out whether the child labour who is hired by mistake has completed compulsory education. The Company shall help the child who has not completed the compulsory education by paying the costs of the compulsory education period.
  • Provide support
    The Company shall give priority to job opportunities for the family members of the child who is hired by mistake who have reached the legal working age and have the intention and ability to work.
Elimination of Forced Labour

We strongly oppose any form of forced labor in all our business operations, and we strictly prohibit any form of forced labor in our subsidiaries, joint ventures, equity investments, suppliers, contractors, and partners. We reject forced labor, labor trafficking, human trafficking, and all forms of modern slavery.

All our recruitment activities are based on the principles of freedom, prior and informed consent (FPIC). All employees are hired through free market recruitment and mutual selection, and their employment contracts are based on voluntary principles. They have the right to terminate their employment contracts according to their own will after the statutory notice period.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

We support the union to negotiate and sign the “Employee Wage Collective Agreement” and “Employee Collective Labour Contract” with the Company on behalf of employees to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Employees may join and withdraw from the union at their own free will. When there are matters that may have a negative impact on the employees, such as major operational changes, the Company will give the employees advance notice to minimise such impact.

Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment

We have zero tolerance for discrimination, bullying, intimidation and harassment. We treat every employee fairly, regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, religion or cultural background, so as to create an inclusive and diverse work environment where every employee is treated with due respect. In following the “Workplace Sexual Harassment Prevention and Penalisation Policy”, we prevent and reduce the risk of sexual harassment in the workplace through education and training, dissemination of legal knowledge, establishment of a joint-action mechanism for prevention and punishment of sexual harassment in the workplace and instilling the zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace awareness. 

Human rights of indigenous peoples

In following the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we adhere to the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in our community work and respect the rights, interests, wishes, cultures and natural resource-based lifestyles of indigenous peoples.  (see Indigenous People for specific approaches and performance on respecting the rights of indigenous peoples).

Artisanal and Small-scale Mining(ASM)

According to World Bank statistics, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) provides livelihoods for as many as 100 million people worldwide, which is an important source of economic income for local residents. However, we also recognise that informal ASM activities can pose serious safety and human rights risks to miners, communities, companies, and our employees, which require the joint efforts of companies and society to address these challenges. We remain vigilant against illegal and human rights-violating activities such as intrusion, theft, and assault while supporting the fomalisation of ASM activities to protect local livelihoods. We will ensure that our supply chain does not involve products related to informal ASM activities, and adopt a proactive attitude in collaborating with government agencies, industry associations, and local communities to jointly promote the fomalisation of artisanal mining, mitigating the potential safety, environmental, and human rights risks that ASM may bring.

  • Improve the economic environment of communities
    By improving the economic and education environment of communities and implementing alternative livelihood projects, we make efforts to eliminate the socioeconomic contextual factors that contribute to illegal artisanal mining
  • Support formalisation
    We suppor t and par ticipate in the local government’s efforts to formalise artisanal and small-scale mining, providing training, technical, and business operation support to help improve the operating conditions for legally operating groups.