Zijin Mining Holds 2022 Work Conference
2022/01/30 4640

Zijin News - Zijin Mining’s 2022 Work Conference was held at its headquarters in Shanghang from January 17 to 19. At the conference, all staff members were called upon to follow the Zijin Motto and its philosophy of innovation, help sharpen the Group’s global competitive edge, so as to turn Zijin Mining into a green, high-tech, leading global mining company.

Chairman Chen Jinghe gave a keynote speech at the Conference. He highlighted the achievements made in 2021 by management teams involved in the operation and construction of domestic and overseas projects and by all employees. He also shared his insights on the present and future of the Group.

Chen Jinghe noted that Zijin Mining achieved stronger-than-expected results in financial and operational performance and the construction of major projects in the past year. With three world-class copper mines put into commercial production, the Group has enjoyed explosive growth in its copper output. Overseas operations have outperformed domestic projects in all indicators, symbolizing Zijin’s standing as a global business and a key growth driver in the metals and mining industry.

Chairman Chen said, in 2021, Zijin Mining has also witnessed stronger recognition by the global business community. Initial achievements have been made in the development of a globalized operational process and an ESG system. The group expanded into the renewable energy and advanced materials industry, to seek new growth opportunities. Its businesses in this field, including its copper and lithium portfolio, will become major sources for its profit growth. With full confidence about this happening, Zijin has redefined its vision - to be a “green, high-tech, leading global mining company”,  to better reflect its development in the future and promote green development.

Chen Jinghe emphasized that Zijin Mining, founded in Zijinshan, has developed its five-pronged mining and operational model based on mineral economics and a systematic approach to engineering. Along the journey, it has impressed others by achieving Zijin Speed and Zijin Miracles. A core team, a talent pool, and a corporate culture powering its development in China and across the world have taken shape.

More importantly, Zijin Mining has developed its own philosophy of innovation: innovation is about the best combination of scientific principles and objective reality; the best innovation is the one that suits you the most; innovation is a process of constantly upending your own game. Innovation has become the core competitiveness of Zijin Mining - it’s in Zijin’s DNA and is its cutting edge. As it expands its business globally in the new era, Zijin must develop its own global competitiveness.

To achieve the Group’s new strategic goals, Chairman Chen outlined six priorities:

First, Zijin should quickly emerge as a leader in renewable energy in its own right. Emission reduction and carbon neutrality have become a global consensus. And metals critical to the green economy as well as relevant materials are changing the world rapidly. As Zijin aims to become a responsible, green, high-tech, leading global mining company, it must take effective measures to clear its bottlenecks in talent, technology, and mechanisms.

Second, Zijin should secure successes at large projects that power its sustainable growth. Leading mining companies must have best-in-class resources. The Group needs to look into mid-tier and major miners for merger and acquisition, so as to break new ground. These companies should have good potential, strong synergies with Zijin and suit its strategies.

Third, Zijin should forge greater synergy among its various businesses. It should beef up its capabilities in engineering and construction, to meet international standards. Mining, the Group’s main business, should be further combined with finance and trading based on market norms.

Fourth, Zijin should break its talent bottleneck and develop a strong talent pipeline. A global mining company must have a large pool of professionals from various disciplines and backgrounds. Zijin’s talent pool is far too small to meet the massive demand entailed by its ambition. The aim is to create a talent pipeline, with echelons of highly-experienced seniors, strong-yet-growing middle-aged and fast-learning young professionals, and where internationally competent talent are given precedence. Functions at the Headquarters shall take the lead to have 50% of employees from outside Fujian and 50% proficient in foreign languages. Its affiliates, overseas ones, in particular, must develop a local talent strategy and foster a pipeline of skilled workers.

Fifth, research and development in key technologies should be strengthened to secure more findings and profits. Mining companies are, in essence, high-tech businesses. Zijin should encourage technological innovation and R&D efforts that can be applied to relevant projects. Major breakthroughs should be sought, at the earliest date possible, in the large-scale application of block caving, in a bid to lend strong technological and economic support to the Group’s renewed push to go global.

Sixth, efforts should be made to set international ESG benchmarks. To be a leading global mining company, Zijin must think and act like one, improve its ESG performance, continue to pursue development for all. The vision of “Mining for a Better Society” should be fulfilled by ensuring more stakeholders benefit from Zijin’s presence. Meanwhile, Zijin’s corporate culture should be refined from a global perspective, and the fusion of different cultures should be promoted.

President Zou Laichang presented a work report at the Conference, in which he reviewed Zijin’s activities in 2021, analyzed major issues, and made comprehensive arrangements for production and operation in 2022.

He raised the following requirements:

First, the Group must achieve higher business targets and deliver better-than-expected performance in the first phase of its ten-year development trajectory. Second, a stronger ESG system should be built to consolidate the Group’s foundation, strengthen its brand, and boost its global development. Third, the Group will build a preliminary global operation and management system by deepening reforms. Fourth, every effort should be made to pursue leapfrog growth and translate resources into profits. Fifth, Zijin’s global competitiveness on all fronts should be improved through sustainable development.

Lin Shuiqing, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, made a report on the Group’s supervision and anti-corruption efforts. He noted that, in 2022, the supervisory teams are committed to achieving more effective supervision by transforming the Group’s supervision model, fulfilling supervision responsibilities, and making sure reforms deliver real results. In addition, as a fail-safe for Zijin’s global expansion, the Group’s supervision function will ramp up anti-corruption education, crack down hard on corruption, step up day-to-day inspections, and develop a stronger workforce of supervisors.