Young Zijin Employees Plant Trees at Mine Site to Promote Sustainability
2024/04/01 262

In late March, more than 70 young volunteers from Zijin Mining and other organizations based in Shanghang, Fujian, planted trees at the Zijinshan Gold-Copper Mine, a National Mine Park in China. The initiative, entitled “Plant with You in the Spring Breeze”, aims to add fresh greenery to the mine and promote sustainable growth.

At the tree planting site, enthusiasm ran high. Working in groups of three to five, the volunteers quickly divided tasks and collaborated efficiently - digging deep holes, erecting saplings, shoveling soil, firming the ground, and watering the plants.

Everyone worked diligently and meticulously, ensuring each sapling was planted and aligned properly. The more than 300 saplings planted stood tall, radiating vitality and adding a touch of green to the Zijinshan mine in the early spring.

Young employees of Zijin take part in the tree-planting drive every spring. Since the initiative’s inception in 2010, over 1,000 young volunteers have joined the effort, planting more than 15,000 trees and reforesting an area of about 100 acres around the mine. This represents the youth’s contribution to green and sustainable development.