ESG News
ESG News
Continental Gold funds construction of school classroom for communities
2022/06/30 8618

Zijin News - In early June, a multi-functional classroom and new bathrooms built with funding from Continental Gold, Zijin’s Colombian affiliate, were completed and handed over to the Santa Gema School of Buriticá, Colombia. All teachers and 91 students of the school will now be able to enjoy a 61m² new classroom equipped with sound and sports equipment, air conditioning and fans.

Luis Hernando Graciano, mayor of Buriticá, and the principal, teachers and students of the school, attended the hand-over ceremony. They said that the new classroom would alleviate the overcrowding problem of the school, and improve the learning and teaching experience in the school.

Continental Gold has created a Sustainable Growth Plan 2023-2025 that contains quantitative targets. Based on Zijin Mining’s commitment to “development for all”, Continental Gold will continue to grow together with local communities and share the fruits of its business growth with them. This is one of the main objectives of the company’s social responsibility programs.

To date, Continental Gold has conducted several educational and cultural development programs, donating school uniforms and study supplies to communities, schools and schoolchildren, and helping to create and maintain green spaces in schools.

Translator: Han Liangyue  Editor: Huang Xu  Reviser: Li Yuanxing  Editor-in-Chief: Wang Jie