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ESG News
Zijin's Employees Rescue Family Trapped in Snow in the Andes Mountains
2022/08/09 8232

Zijin News - On July 16, Daniel Barrionuevo and other employees of Liex SA, Zijin Mining’s affiliate in Argentina, rescued a family of three who was trapped in snow in a car in the wintry Andes Mountains.

On their way back to the office from project camp, Daniel and his colleagues spotted a black car tens of meters away from the road, half covered in snow. When they got closer, they found a couple and their daughter in the car and the vehicle had run out of fuel. They also learned that the family had been trapped in snow for four days. The average temperature outside then was minus 30 degrees Celsius, putting the family in grave danger.

The Liex team immediately called their colleagues, who soon arrived with rescue equipment. After a few hours of digging and excavating, they managed to pull the family out of danger.

“I am very touched by their help. Without their timely rescue, we wouldn’t be here breathing. They spotted us and came back with the rescue team and all kinds of equipment” said Daniela, the mother from the recued family, “all in all, we are so grateful that they rescued us”.

The family, which came from Provincia de Córdoba of Argentina, was able to leave the scene uninjured. They were filled with joy and relief, and a deep feeling of gratitude towards the Liex rescue team.

At an altitude of 4,100 meters, Liex’s 3Q project is situated in the center of the Catamarca section of the Andes mountain range. Due to the hostile climate and poor telecommunications on the plateau, there were often reports of people missing in the mountains.

To date, Liex has rescued several groups of people trapped in the Andes Mountains.

Translator: Han Liangyue  Revisers: Li Yuanxing, Shang Yutong  Editor-in-Chief: Wang Jie