Business Ecosystem
Business Ecosystem
Providing the materials that improve standards of living in a low carbon future Enhancing capabilities in building and operating copper, gold, and lithium projects Staying relevant in high-growth metals and energy minerals such as zinc, silver, iron and molybdenum Five-Pronged Mining Engineering Model In-house capabilities in the research, engineering and implementation of mining solutions
Sustaining our resource base
Focusing on both exploration and M&A to grow our resource base across the globe at low costs and deliver strong profits Striving for discoveries in important metallogenic belts by leveraging industry-leading exploration technology and expertise Drawing on systems engineering, mineral economics and specialized analytics to acquire high-quality, large and medium-sized assets at the right time
Sustaining our resource base
Integration across the value chain
We grow our smelting, refining and fabrication operations to complement our mining business, achieving synergy and creating added value. Furthermore, we take solid steps to drive sustainable development. These include generating clean energy such as solar, wind, and hydro power at our mines and smelters; investing in hydrogen energy and materials used for energy storage; strengthening the environmental protection capabilities of our mines and smelters; and placing emphasis on ecological initiatives, including the closure of pits and tailings dams.
Integration across the value chain
Trading and finance
To support our mining business, we have set up trading and logistics businesses and built a responsible global supply chain and a sales team. In addition, we have put in place financial platforms for capital investment and funds management and own a portfolio of listed companies by taking majority or minority stakes in them.
Trading and finance
Mine construction and digitalization
We have in-house teams in mine design, construction, construction supervision, automation and digital technologies. Such an integrated workforce ensures swift action and seamless collaboration, enabling us to build mining projects to high standards quickly and efficiently.
Mine construction and digitalization