Mining development can bring sustainable socio-economic contributions to the countries and regions where the projects operate. Zijin Mining supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), integrating objectives such as poverty eradication, decent work and economic growth, and responsible consumption and production into our social performance and commitments. We take promoting local socio-economic development and enhancing people’s well-being as a crucial part of our mission: Mining for a Better Society.
We follow international norms and standards such as the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) and the “Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact” (UNGPs) and carry out community relations under the framework of the UNGPs. At the same time, we work in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by integrating the goals of poverty eradication, quality education, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities, etc., into our social performance and commitments.
Our “Social Responsibility Policy” and “External Donation Policy” govern the standards of community relations across our operations.
The Company also engages and communicates with Indigenous peoples according to international standards such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s governance of tenure technical guide on “Respecting Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC): Practical Guidance for Governments, Companies, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, and Local Communities about Land Acquisition,” the “ILO Convention No.169”, and the “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”
We respect Indigenous peoples’ rights, cultures, and traditions and recognize their individual and collective interests.
Support from the community is critical to our operations. If our operations negatively impact the community or cause misunderstanding and mistrust due to lack of transparency, we will lose community support for the continued operation, which might pose a significant business risk to our operations. All of our community work is based on a community engagement framework to manage the operational risks that may arise from community issues. To ensure smooth operations, we thoroughly communicate with the stakeholders, identify and assess the potential impacts of our operations, and jointly discuss solutions.
We carry out community risk management following the order of Avoid-Reduce-Compensate/Offset. Our risk identification and response plan comprises the following steps:
We participate in developing and constructing our operating sites as a community partner to minimize the negative impact of mining activities on society and bring about a lasting, positive social impact for the locals. We take active measures to plan, develop, and implement community development projects and invest in community infrastructure to improve basic conditions such as local transportation, education, health, environment, safety, and medical and epidemic prevention, providing basic conditions for economic development. For vulnerable groups and the impoverished in local communities, we implement targeted poverty alleviation while planning and carrying out a wide array of public welfare projects to support vulnerable groups, providing them with basic subsistence goods and meeting their basic needs. We partner with host communities and governments to promote socio-economic development.
Active participation in social welfare, charitable donations, and related social responsibility activities is integral to our contribution to society. To foster the philanthropic spirit of the mining industry, fulfill our social responsibilities, and honor our value of enabling development for all, we set up the Zijin Mining Charity Foundation (the Foundation) in August 2012 with an independent investment of RMB 200 million. This was the first national non-public fundraising foundation in China’s gold industry. In January 2017, the Foundation joined the China Association for the Promotion of Social Organizations. By January 2020, it was officially recognized as a charitable organization by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and became a member of the China Charity Federation. In March 2021, the Foundation passed the national social organization evaluation, achieving a 3A rating.
Since its inception, the Foundation has adhered to its mission of “being dedicated to philanthropy, promoting ecological balance, disseminating modern mining culture, and building a harmonious and friendly future.” It actively engages in spreading positivity through philanthropy. It implements substantial projects in poverty alleviation (rural revitalization), educational support, environmental protection, and disaster relief, gradually forming a philanthropic organization with distinctive Zijin characteristics. As of the end of 2022, the Foundation implemented over 600 charitable and philanthropic projects, with total donations exceeding RMB 300 million, earning widespread recognition and high praise from all sectors of society.
During each project’s planning and design phase, we mandate the development of a comprehensive mine closure plan. This plan includes establishing a long-term closure vision, detailed closure objectives, and specific land-use strategies. Concurrently, we carefully consider the closure budget, which encompasses necessary funding for post-closure land restoration and subsequent development plans for employees and community residents. Additionally, we integrate the prospective mine closure strategies into the preliminary design plans for geological and geotechnical engineering and environmental and social impact assessments. We mandate regular updates to these closure plans to reflect new developments. These updates must include closure risk assessments, gap analyses, regulatory compliance, and renewed commitments to the community and other stakeholders.
Throughout the lifecycle of the mine, we implement customized planning in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, aligned with the functional zoning of our facilities. This approach ensures simultaneous development and environmental management, promoting systematic greening efforts that purify the air, regulate climate, and preserve water and soil. During production and operation, we continuously monitor and manage the impact on the surrounding ecological environment, aiming to minimize harm and protect the local ecosystem. This proactive management sets a robust foundation for ecological restoration upon mine closure.
We adopt responsible mine closure standards and requirements. All our operational sites have mine closure plans tailored to local contexts to mitigate environmental, economic, safety, and social risks, ensuring that surrounding communities remain healthy, prosperous, and sustainable after mine closure. During the closure process, we place high emphasis on stakeholder engagement. Closure plans and timelines must be communicated with stakeholders and updated regularly, facilitating a collaborative effort with the community to promote economic and social transition post-closure. We require that our subsidiaries adopt the following measures: