Mr. Chen Jinghe Visits Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill
2016/05/14 7640

On May 9, 2016, Mr. Peter O'Neill, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (PNG), met with Mr. Chen Jinghe, Chairman of Zijin Mining Group. Both sides exchanged opinions on Zijin’s further development in PNG.

Mr. Chen expressed his thanks for the support that PNG government offered to Zijin. He said, “PNG has abundant natural resources, Zijin is interested in some other large mines in PNG. Zijin expects PNG government could issue more tax reduction policies, in order to motivate mining companies to innovate and contribute more for the development of mining industry in PNG.

 Prime Minister Peter O'Neill congratulated to Mr. Chen on the achievements that Zijin had made in Porgera gold mine. He said, mining industry is the pillar industry in PNG, local government appreciate Zijin’s internationalization strategy and would like to offer help to Zijin to overcome difficulties and challenges during its development in PNG.

Mr. Chen received a warm welcome from Porgera gold mine communities. Mr. Chen stressed that it’s a common goal of the mine and local communities to realize the sustainable prosperity of Porgera gold mine. He said, both sides should work together and bring out the potentials to achieve win-win results.