Zijin Ranks 44th among China's Top 100 Multinationals
2019/09/08 4540

Zijin News Recently, China Enterprise Confederation released the list of “2019 China's Top 100 Multinational Corporations”, Zijin Mining ranked 44th and its cross-border index ranked 20th. Among the “Top 500 Chinese Enterprises in 2019”, Zijin Mining ranked 181st.

In 2018, the total overseas assets of Zijin Mining reached 42.2 billion RMB, and the total profits of overseas projects exceeded 2 billion RMB. Its gold, copper and zinc mined overseas accounted for 52.3%, 24.2% and 35.9% of the Group’s total respectively. Meanwhile, the reserves of overseas gold, copper and zinc accounted for 65.5%, 78.3% and 27.7% of the Group respectively.

It is learned that the ranking of "China's top 100 multinational Corporations” is based on the total overseas assets of enterprises in 2018, and the ranking of "China's top 500 enterprises" is mainly based on the revenue.