Zijin's New Projects Seen Through the Lens - Lithium-iron phosphate project
2022/09/28 7993

By Tai Yibo

Zijin Liyuan


Zijin News - Located in the Baisha Science and Innovation Valley in Shanghang county, Fujian province, Zijin Liyuan’s lithium-iron phosphate project is one of Fujian’s key projects. The project covers an area of 100,000 square meters. In less than five months, its 1,000 Tpa lithium-iron phosphate production line was built from scratch and reached steady-state operation.


To date, feedstock has been delivered to the production line 36 times. All product indicators reached industry levels.


Roof construction for the No.1 Plant of the LFP production line has been completed, and the main structures of the warehouse and auxiliary units have been built. Earthwork and foundation construction of the R&D Building are 50% complete. The project now aims for integrated hot commissioning by the end of 2022.

Aerial view of the project

R&D Building under construction




 Main plant under construction


Equipment in operational status


Operational production line seen from the Dispatch Center



Translator: Shang Yutong  Reviser: Li Yuanxing   Editor-in-Chief: Wang Jie