We respect the culture, traditions, and religious beliefs of the communities, do not operate in protected areas of indigenous peoples, attach importance to their concerns and strive to respond to their legitimate claims. We respect indigenous peoples' traditions, culture, and connection with the land, protect their rights to participate and the right to know. We interact with the communities in a culturally appropriate manner. Any commercial activity that may result in disrespect for or even damage of indigenous peoples' culture and heritage is strictly prohibited.
We have established a vertical community management organization consisting of the Board of Directors, ESG Management Committee, and community relations departments of subsidiaries. We developed and implemented the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, External Donation Policy, and community relationship management rules in line with international standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNGC, and RGMPs, to ensure our coordinated development along with local communities.
Our community engagement goal is to minimize or mitigate risks arising from our production and operation. In the planning stage of a project, we will build an understanding of our host communities through data gathering and engagement. In our Social Impact Assessment (SIA), we analyse local demographics, economies, sociocultural activities, religions, existing and potential conflict and availability of services and infrastructure to build a picture of our host communities.
Combined with our business objectives and local needs, we implement open and inclusive community engagement and consultation processes, respectful of local context, cultures and traditions. We take particular care to vulnerable groups, such as children, women and indigenous people, and develop and implement strategies to include them in the engagement process. We work to create meaningful, constructive and proactive dialogue with our local communities.
We will carry out community impact assessment before the project starts, and formulate community baselines according to local conditions to communicate with stakeholders in the potentially affected community as soon as possible. We will identify affected groups and assess the social impact and potential risks in the area where the project operates. Based on the concerns of the affected groups, the Company will evaluate the significance of the impact of operations on local social risks and formulate risk mitigation plans and measures accordingly.
We will set up a community impact management information database based on the above evaluation results and our work progress, and update it regularly in the process of our project operations, to ensure the effectiveness of managing community impact, so as to reduce the negative impact upon such areas as human rights, labor, employment, gender, health, community conflict, and environment.
Identify potentially affected stakeholders | Identify and establish a list of stakeholders and ensure that no key stakeholders are left out. |
Establish a mechanism for collecting stakeholders' appeals | Comprehensively collect the appeals of potentially affected stakeholders through the community service centers, telephone calls, e-mails, information systems, and other channels. |
Review and respond to relevant appeals and concerns | Analyze appeals and ensure reasonable ones are included in the agenda for improvement. Respond and communicate on the appeals that cannot be resolved temporarily to ensure that they are resolved in a proper manner. |
Create a community development plan | Develop community interaction and participation plans based on appeals and ensure that appeals related to community development are included in the company’s community development plan for overall implementation. |
Implement community development plans | Implement the community development plan and clarify the responsible departments to ensure the sufficient personnel and funding resources in the community development project. |
Evaluate the implementation of the community development plans and communication | Actively communicate concerns, regularly disclose relevant data and reports, monitor and evaluate the progress of community development projects. |
In order to ensure the effective communication and participation of community stakeholders, we have established a communication and grievance mechanisms to respond to the appeals of the community and the community relations management departments consist of local employees to better understand the host country’s culture and customs.
During community engagement processes, we provide our local communities with information in a range of different ways according to the local context and culture. These may include radio broadcasts, social media channels, site publications and a range of face-to-face meetings. Meanwhile, we will bring community perspectives into our business planning and decision-making.
We require projects to regularly review the progress of community communication, assess the effectiveness of grievance mechanisms, report to stakeholders, make adjustments to long-term issues and develop future plans.
Zijin Mining Community Communication and Complaint Mechanism
All the community relations management organisations of our subsidiaries must prepare and implement a community communication policy
Each community relations management organisation must review and revise the complaint mechanism annually to ensure that it remains effective
The community relations management organisation must submit a communication report to the general manager and relevant departments on a regular basis
If a community management organization discovers any violations of the Corporate Code of Conduct (human rights, safety, environment, etc.), it shall immediately report to the Corporate Social Responsibility Department of the headquarters
The Corporate Social Responsibility Department of the headquarters will then report the violations to the Board of Directors and the ESG Management Committee of the Company and take actions according to the assessment results